What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of An Indoor Cat

what is the average life expectancy of an indoor cat
Photo by Peng Louis from Pexels

what is the average life expectancy of an indoor cat

If you have a cat, one of the questions you may ask is what is the average life expectancy of an indoor cat. Since indoor cats are so similar to the domestic cat, it is not a very difficult question to answer.

The answer to the question of what is the average life expectancy of an indoor cat has the same answer as that of the domestic cat. The difference in the answer is that the domestic cat can live a long and healthy life, but not at the rate of an indoor cat.

The average life expectancy of an indoor cat is ten years, which is average. The reason for the low average life expectancy is that most indoor cats spend a large part of their time in a cage. The cage is in the home and it is usually dark all day long. So, the cat spends most of its time in the dark and cannot see the light outside the cage.

So, you see, it is not the case that affects the average life expectancy. It is the type of life that you are giving the cat. If you give your cat a home where it has plenty of room to run around and to climb some more, it can live a long, healthy life. If, on the other hand, the home is cramped, the cat can get sick and suffer.

The average life expectancy

The average life expectancy of an indoor cat is ten years because it is living in a cramped environment. The home can be a house or a cage. A house cat spends the majority of its time in the cage. And a cage is dark all day long, which can cause serious health problems.


There are some indoor cats that have long, healthy lives that are not in cages. And they live as long as those cats that spend their lives in the cages.

So, what is the average life expectancy of an indoor cat? The answer is ten years for the average indoor cat.

The answer of course is that this life expectancy does not mean that your cat will live a long, healthy life and never have to see the light of day outside of the cage. It is just a statistic of the average life expectancy of an indoor cat.

It is important to know the average life expectancy of an indoor cat so that you will be able to keep one of the most healthy pets that you can have. It is also important so that you will know how much room you need for the pet to move around and play. If the cat spends its time in a cage, it does not have the ability to run around and play. So, the time it spends in the cage is very small.

There is no way to get the average life expectancy of a cat to be ten years if the cat is confined all the time. So, a good life expectancy of a cat depends on the health and longevity of the cat. The longer the cat has been living in a home, the better the life expectancy.

So, now you know that it is not the case that affects the average life expectancy of an indoor cat. It is how well the cat lives in a home that matters.

The next thing that you should know about the average life expectancy of an indoor cat is that you can get a pet if the cat does not have the proper nutrition. The cat needs a diet that has a lot of calcium to help it in its bone and joint health.

It should also have a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals to help it in its hair, eyes, and skin. All of the elements that a cat needs to have a long, healthy life.