Pet Health Guide
If you have a pet at home, you naturally want him to display the best behaviour and not harm humans or spoil indoor décor or create trouble outside. For this purpose, you have to care for your pet in a manner that is conducive for the pet you have, whether it is a cat or a dog or any other pet that you may have chosen to keep.
When you bring home a pet it means you are adding a member to the family. Just like other members of the family, pets too require health care. Although sometimes you will see a veterinarian prescribe similar to human drugs for your pets, health care for pets is however pretty different from what we are used to in regards to humans.
One of the most common mistakes that we commit is with regard to feeding our pets. We usually tend to associate our own dietary habits on our pets without realizing that pets are animals and are structured differently.
For example, dogs require to be fed according to their weight and that too only once or twice a day. On the other hand, some pets like cats and dogs need to be neutered to avoid strong urine and unwanted pregnancies.
The important thing to remember is that you have your friends, family, and recreation, but your pet has only you. Pets too get sick and develop allergies. They also are a source of certain allergies to humans too.
Many of us do not realize that like any other family member, even pets can get heart attacks, arthritis, behaviour problems, cancer, diarrhoea, and other ailments that we generally associate with humans. This requires pet owners to be aware of all pet health-related issues.
We handle minor ailments in humans easily with information passing down from generations. Small things like calming aggressive behaviour, ticks, vomiting, and leaking bladder in pets need treatments that you have to be conversant with. Sometimes it is simply a matter of sugar content in food, or how many times a week you give your pet a bath that is the cause behind your pet behaving abnormally or developing symptoms of an ailment.
Physical changes in your pet are also important and a monthly hands-on examination will go a long way in understanding whether anything serious is developing. Troubling signs include exposed skin, thin or dry coat, ribs showing, lethargy, limp, or simply the absence of “spring” in step.
As with human medication nowadays, there are lots of alternative remedies available for pets too. You can ask your veterinarian or visit the World Wide Web for alternate remedies for pets. You may choose homoeopathic medicine for your pets.
There are also specific cat herbal remedies and dog herbal remedies available too and thorough research on the subject will ensure a trouble-free life for your pet and go a long way to enjoy having one at home.